The Half Term Challenge – DAY 1
Today’s 20min workout targets the lower body, particularly legs & butt.
There are 2 separate videos of 10min each as YouTube wont allow me to load a single video longer than 15min.
Each minute is split into 45sec of work and 15sec recovery/rest. For optimum effect stick to the the time interval breakdown so have your clock or timer to hand.
Video Part 1: WATCH NOW
- Star Jumps or Running on the Spot
- Reverse Lunge Kickbacks R
- Reverse Lunge Kickbacks L
- Gate Openers R
- Surfers
- Gate Openers L
- Skaters
- Hitch Kick R
- Squat thrust
- Hitch Kick L
Video Part 2: WATCH NOW
- Side Linge R
- Russian Kicks
- Side Lunge L
- Tuck Jumps
- Dog Leg & Hip Hike R
- Mountain Climbers
- Dog Leg & Hip Hike L
- All Fours Glute Kickbacks R
- All Fours Glute Kickbacks L
- Glute Bridges with Toes Up.
* Increase the work interval to 50sec followed by a a 10sec recovery
* Feel free to include resistance bands or dumbbells for a higher intensity.
* Repeat the 20min circuit for a second time.
Enjoy it!