Join us as we walk from along the Thames, from Putney bridge to Kingston bridge – aprox 20km.
Meet at PTC in Oxshott at 07h15. We will Uber-share to Putney bridge starting to walk promptly at 8am.
We’ll then stop for a bite and and a drink before Uber-sharing back to PTC . The walk plus quick bite should take us up to around 13h30.
COST: There is no entry fee or cost. Lunch and Uber are the only cost on the day. Once registered you’ll be advised on optional cab share arrangements.
WHO IS IT FOR: This is open to non PTC members too. I suggest that all who intend on partake in the training walks (see below) to get a sense of the pace we will be keeping on the day. This is not a marshalled event – there is only me – so although we may become a bit strung out as we walk we will all need to stay in sight of each other and maintain a similar pace,
Everyone attending will need to complete an online health & medical waiver.
TRAINING: In preparation for the 20km distance and to ensure we keep up a good pace to finish in good time I will be doing a couple of training walks in and around Oxshott (also free) leading up to the day.
To register your place on the Thames Winter Walk email me at
Yours in Health & Fitness,