Treatment Room

Nutritional Advice & Packages

Are you struggling to get rid of your:

  • Muffin Top/Love handles (waistline fat) – show an Insulin imbalance
  • Beer Belly or Spare Tyre (stomach fat) – shows Cortisol imbalance
  • Bra Bulge (upper back fat) – shows a sluggish Thyroid and Thyroxine & T3 imbalance
  • ‘Man Boobs’ (fatty breasts, men only) – shows low levels of Testosterone
  • Bingo Wings (fatty upper arms, women only) – shows low levels of Testosterone
  • Saddlebags (excess fat on hips & thighs, women only) – shows excess Oestrogen levels


Hormones are programmed to lay down fat in specific areas. When out of balance due to lifestyle, diet and/or exercise the hormone tends to lay down more fat in its designated area resulting in the typical/common fat spots mentioned above.

Our 7week Naturopathic Nutrition Programme works on rebalancing your hormones to help you spot reduce and improve your body shape through diet and exercise recommendations and some initial supplementation.


Week 1: involves only 7days of a gentle cleansing diet to simply rest the digestive system and consists of a mainly vegetarian, oil rich diet with fresh fish and whole grains.

Week 2-7:
– Involves a far more inclusive diet (mostly Mediterranean) with specific ‘Do Eat’ and ‘Don’t Eat’ lists as well as really simple dietary guidelines making it easy to be sociable on this healthy eating plan. Menu suggestions and shopping lists are provided.
– Vitamins, minerals and herbal remedies specific to your requirements are prescribed. These supplements are only as a support whilst on the programme. By the end of the 7wks you will have acquired an understanding of which foods you should eat/avoid to support your needs which is a far healthier approach to managing your weight long-term.


Please Note: Extreme hormone imbalances are clinically diagnosed like Type 2 Diabetes (prolonged & untreated high insulin levels) or Hyper/Hypothyroidism (over and under active Thyroid) but quite often and although you may be exhibiting many of the symptoms of these conditions standard medical testing may show little concern as your levels fall outside the diagnosable range. In this incident your glands may simply be stressed or fatigued rather than completely dysfunctional and an approach like this programme can potentially restore their function.


The 7week Naturopathic Nutrition Programme includes :

– Initial Consultation & Assessment

– Report with Dietary, Lifestyle and Exercise recommendations

– Food shopping list, Dietary Guidelines and Menu suggestions.

– Prescribed Supplements & Vitamins for duration of programme

– Follow up Consultation & Assessment

Cost: £380 – reduced by £100 if purchased with a block of 10 personal training sessions

Sports Massage

Rochelle Butler LCH(Hom) (ITEC) Level 3 NKT has 20years of experience. She has a special interest in back & shoulder rehabilitation and has evolved and developed her massage technique and approach to musculo-skeletal pain based on her clinical experience. In consultation, Rochelle draws on her knowledge and experience of functional exercises as a trainer to suggest simple stretches and exercises for self-management and employs NKT muscle testing to locate and correctly identify the underlying cause. Rochelle uses deep tissue, firm pressure massage for muscular pain and discomfort or for general stiffness and tension. Myofascial release techniques are also employed.


Available for treatment Monday to Friday at The Personal Training Centre in Oxshott.



60min …………………………..£80


For appointments call Rochelle on:
Mobile: 07944 679 976