The Half Term Challenge – DAY 2

Today’s 20min workout is focused on getting your heart rate up.

There are once again 2 separate videos – so be prepared to switch halfway.

The 20 minutes is broken up in to 4 x 4min work with 1minute recovery between each 4 minutes. The video is in real time but the 1minute recovery is not shown so keep your clock/timer handy. Stick to the time intervals.

Video Part 1: WATCH NOW

  1. Side Steps – 4min of  20sec work, 10 sec recovery/rest
  2. 1min Recovery. Time yourself.
  3. Burpees – 4min of  20sec work, 10 sec recovery/rest
  4. 1min Recovery. Time yourself.


Video Part 2: WATCH NOW

  1. Running on the Spot  – 4min of  20sec work, 10 sec recovery/rest
  2. 1min Recovery. Time yourself.
  3. Star Jumps – 4min of  20sec work, 10 sec recovery/rest
  4. 1min Recovery. Time yourself.. 

* Variations on each exercise shown in the video.
* Increase the pace to double time.
* Increase the work interval to 50sec followed by a a 10sec recovery
* Feel free to include resistance bands or dumbbells for a higher intensity.
* Repeat the 20min circuit for a second time.

